Reason Magazine: John Stossel- ‘Ayn Rand: The Author That People Love To Hate’


Source:Reason Magazine– John Stossel, on the woman the Far-Left loves to hate.

Source:The Daily Review

“Not everyone will celebrate Atlas Shrugged’s anniversary. Ayn Rand is someone people love to hate. Years after her death, people still feel compelled to attack her ideas.

A recent John Oliver segment said her philosophy, objectivism, “is just a nice way of saying ‘being a selfish asshole.”

From Reason Magazine 

If you’re a Socialist especially a hardcore Socialist who looks up to people like Che Guevara and even have some respect at least for some aspects of communism, even if you don’t like the authoritarian aspects of it, Ayn Rand literally is the devil. Because she represents everything that you hat: freedom, individualism, free-thinking, the belief that people should actually be able to make a living on their own and not have to be babysat by government.

Because if you are a Socialist who puts all their political eggs in the basket of big government like a wishbone offense in football that if they can’t run the ball, they literally can’t move the ball, because they have almost no passing game to speak of. And if government can’t solve problems, by itself those problems don’t get solved according to the Socialist. Because the socialist philosophy of socialism is completely centered not around government or even big government, but big centralized national government. Where even state or provincial government’s, as well as local government’s, barely exist, because so much power in the country is centralized with the national government.

Because Socialists tend to see freedom as dangerous and individualism as selfish. That if you give people the freedom to manage their own economic and personal affairs, you’re only giving them the freedom to make mistakes that society (which is government, according to the Socialist) will have to pay for.

Also, is you give people the freedom to manage their own affairs, they might become good at it which is what adults tend to do and not need or want government to take care of them and be less incline to have your tax dollars taking care of people who aren’t as free as you. Socialists tend to see people who don’t think like them at least, if not people in general as idiots. People who need help tying their own shoes and even spelling their own names. Who need big government managing their lives for them.

Socialists also see individualism as selfish. This idea that people can go out in the world and be creative, think for themselves and create new things. Is like trying to explain calculus to a fish. It’s so foreign to them and would be like an American who has spent their whole life in America, who only speaks English and one day finds them self in Mongolia. It would be like being on another planet for that person having no idea what people are saying or even what language they’re speaking.

That is what it’s like trying to explain freedom and individualism to Socialists. You might have better luck trying to teach your dog to speak Chinese. Because freedom and individualism, completely goes against everything that Socialists have ever believed and have been taught.

As much as the Christian-Right hates feminism and freedom and equal rights for women, as if women are human beings who are capable of making their own decisions and living their own lives and deserving of equal rights as men, thats how much Socialists whether they’re democratic or communist, hate Ayn Rand. Because they see her as the devil who represents individualism and freedom. Which to them is as bad as cancer or stealing. It completely goes against what they believe in and what they’ve been taught as people.

Skeptic Magazine: ‘How Rachel Bloom Became a Card-Carrying Skeptic’

Skeptic - Rachel Bloom
Source:Skeptic– Comedian Rachel Bloom, on how she became a Skeptic.

Source:The Daily Review

“Rachel Bloom (creator and star of the American romantic-comedy-drama Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) shared with us a few of the defining moments in her life that led to her becoming a card-carrying skeptic.

Tell us your story and become a card-carrying skeptic!
Learn how at:Skeptic.”

From Skeptic

I believe anyone who is a realist and just doesn’t call themselves a realist because they have some need to have people believed they’re smarter and more advanced than they really are, but literally lives by the attitude or practice of accepting situations for what they are and not over or underplaying things, but seeing everything for what it is based on the best available information at the time, is not just going to be a skeptic but a natural skeptic. As well as one of the least romantic people you’ll ever meet. Not a bad person, necessarily but not someone who doesn’t have big dreams generally.

A skeptic is Probably not a fan of romantic comedies and certainly not romance novels and not someone you want to spend a day watching a holiday movie marathon of romantic comedies on The Hallmark Channel or some other network. Not someone who is going to say, “dreams really do come true.” But instead will be the person that not just tells you what they know and what they’re thinking and will kick your butt verbally when you need it because they’ll tell you when you screwed up and perhaps tell you how you can fix the problem or problems. They’ll tell you what you don’t want to hear, because they know its medicine that you need to know to improve yourself.

According to Wikipedia- skepticism is generally any questioning attitude or doubt towards one or more items of putative knowledge or belief. A skeptic will be the last person who is going to get screwed over by someone or something, because the skeptic doesn’t automatically take everything that they hear from someone else at face value. “That person must be telling the truth because they would’t hurt me or are not stupid.” Really? That might be true but if that person just happens to tell the same thing to a skeptic, the skeptic won’t automatically take whatever that person said at face value, especially if what that person said doesn’t match up very well with reality. Doesn’t match up with the best available facts and evidence on the ground.

I believe skeptics are people who have generally been screwed over by others in the past and simply hate that feeling to the point that they don’t want that to happen to them again. So a wealthy man lets say who perhaps isn’t the best looking man around who has a history of being involved with beautiful sexy women who later get a lot of money and other property from the man and perhaps even win judgements against the man, that guy especially if they’re still a wealthy man even after dating all the gold diggers, will have hopefully have learned their lesson. Especially after already being played by 3-5 gold diggers in the past and will think long and hard about getting involved with another beautiful sexy woman in the future, especially a younger woman and make preparations in the future. Especially if that guy already has kids who are grown up.

Now, someone who doesn’t have a history of being screwed over but has been very skeptical all along just from being on Planet Earth especially in America and knowing that there are a lot of Americans who want the truth to be better than it is, as well as having a habit for telling people what they want to know instead of whatever the truth is, that is the person that you want to get to know. Even if you do love romance and even romantic comedies and holiday movies, because you’ll always know where that person is emotionally, what they’re thinking because they’ll tell you. And you’ll end up learning a lot from that person. You also might come down with a case of depression, because a lot of news in the world and what’s going on can be tough to hear. But if you’re a mentally healthy intelligent person, you’ll not only get a lot from that person but be able to handle that information as well.

I’m not saying people should be negative or positive, optimistic or pessimistic. I’m saying they should be real and always live on Planet Earth. Unless they’re an astronaut and then I guess there will be times when they leave the real world. But seriously, always know what’s going on so you can make the best available decisions and adjustments that you possibly can. The three most valuable tools that any person can have in life are their health, time, and information. Without your health, you really can’t do anything and you might not even be conscience anyway. Without time, well you can’t do anything either because you’re always out of time.

But without valuable credible information even if you’re healthy and manage your time well, you’re going to make a lot of mistake simply because you don’t know what the hell your’e doing. A person that Rachel Bloom might call can asshole. Someone who is skeptical or is a skeptic, will simply make the best decisions they possibly can because they’re always operating under the best information. Thats all.

Real Time With Bill Maher: Monologue: Sweet Home Alabama

Source: HBO

Source:The Daily Review

I’m not from Alabama and have never even actually spent a day in Alabama, but I get two things out of this story. One, that this behavior (assuming Roy Moore is guilty) is actually normal and if Roy Moore wasn’t running for the U.S. Senate, maybe it wouldn’t have become news. I mean, you had Republican leaders in that state saying what Moore is accused of are gifts from Good and natural acts. I’m paraphrasing, but thats pretty close.

That if Moore wasn’t the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate that this story would have never come out. The women wouldn’t have come out because no one in Alabama including the media there, would have taken them seriously, let alone bothered to look into the allegations. Once Roy Moore not just declared his candidacy for the U.S. Senate and then won the GOP nomination, is when this story became a national story.

The Senate is part of Congress obviously and a Federal institution and not many people more powerful in the country than a U.S. Senator. And not many institutions covered more closely than Congress, because of how important it is. Which is why you had a Washington Post reporter covering a Alabama Senate race in Alabama and the women going to The Post to talk about their allegations. Now, if Roy Moore was running for State Senate in Alabama representing Gadsden, Alabama, then this story wouldn’t be a big deal. Again, we wouldn’t have heard from the women because they wouldn’t have been taken seriously. And again, to go back to Alabama as a state, this behavior seems to at least be acceptable to the Christian-Right there. Which is more of a religious cult than anything else.

The other thing that I get from the Roy Moore story is that this is Alabama. Anyone left to wonder the Alabama is seen as a backwards redneck neanderthal state that was in a statewide coma during most of the 20th Century and would only come out of their coma to prevent African-Americans from exercising their constitutional rights as American citizens. So of course a lot of Alabama is not aware of what has been going on in America in the last ten years or so, let alone the 20th Century, because they still believe America is in a pre-civil war area. And that women should be nothing more than servants to men. So why not teenage girls being servants to men and their sexual needs. At least this is the perception of Alabama and not just for Washington, or New York, or San Francisco, but Atlanta and a lot of the state of Georgia which is a neighbor of Alabama.

HBO: Real Time With Bill Maher- Monologue: Sweet Home Alabama

Crash Course: John Green: ‘1984 By George Orwell: Crash Course Literature’

Source: Crash Course– George Orwell’s 1984.

Source: The Daily Review

“In which John Green returns for a dystopian new season of Crash Course Literature! We’re starting with George Orwell’s classic look at the totalitarian state that could be in post-war England. Winston Smith is under the eye of Big Brother, and making us think about surveillance, the role of government, and how language can play a huge part in repressive regimes.”

From Crash Course

Under George Orwell, 1984 is a dystopia where everything is in black and white and apparently rainbows don’t exist. You can have black or white, water or skim milk, thats it and no other choices. A very depressing state where it’s always dark with no light not even street lights or ever flashlights. Sounds like a world for only chronic depressives and bedwetting leftists who are only happy when they’re sad. Up is down, water is dry, rocks are soft, fire is cold, ice is hot, Catholics are Muslim, facts don’t even exist, let alone matter. Sort of sounds like Donald Trump’s head and state of mind. I was going to leave any Trump jokes and personal jokes out of this on Thanksgiving, but I changed my mind.

Part of Orwell 1984 is about big government, big brother, even though George Orwell was a Socialist and at least shared the goals of Democratic Socialists, but didn’t like communism. But he envisioned where everyone basically lived in a complete police state where Big Government always knew what everyone was doing and even talking to. See, in a communist state or a theocratic fascist state, there’s no such thing as privacy even, let alone a right to privacy and everyone is subjected to the police state where freedom and individualism are not allowed or even exist.

Imagine doing time in a prison that is the size of a major country. Take North Korea, just to use as an example and you’ll know what a police state is like. One gigantic national prison where everyone in society is doing hard time. Talk about raising your kids in prison and if watch those famous prison shows on cable, you’ll know what I mean because they cover inmates who also have kids and women who’ve actually given birth in prison.

Orwell 1984 sounds like a great book for people who’ve swallowed jars of happy pills. Perhaps mistaking them from sleeping pills in an attempt to commit suicide and now have just shot themselves in the foot twice. They go from being chronically depressed to being too happy and never being able to go to bed because they’re so excited all the time about how awesome life is now for them and are given 1984 by a friend which brings them back down to earth from the Planet Galaxy or wherever. And now they’re back in the state of mind where they were before about how much life sucks. If I’m ever too happy which as a realist that will be one hell of a goal to try to accomplish, like trying to swim across the Atlantic Ocean with one arm and one leg, I might actually read Orwell 1984 at some point. Or just move to North Korea to see what life is like in a police state.


AlterNet: Opinion- Liz Posner: ‘8 Things That Are Probably True About You if You Identify As Spiritual But Not Religious’

Source: AlterNet

Source:The Daily Review

When I hear someone tell me that they’re spiritual, but not religious, my first reaction if I’m not smirking is something generally like, “really?”

Someone who is religious believes in a God who is a superhuman controlling power and a belief in something greater than them self.

Someone who is self-described as spiritual, but not religious is someone who believes in the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul, as opposed to material or physical things. Sort of sounds like the definition of a Socialist, but that might be for a different discussion. According to Wikipedia the term spirituality originally developed within early Christianity.

Someone who is religious is also spiritual. I mean, what do you think houses of worship are for. You could be someone who practices a certain religion but doesn’t believe in God or is simply neutral when it comes to God like an Agnostic and be spiritual in that way. There’s this growing movement with young people (meaning Millennial’s) who don’t want to be religious or at least seen as religious with people they hangout with or respect, because they believe those people will think they’re not cool or something, but they also don’t want to be identified as Atheists either. So they try to thread the needle (so to speak) and self-identify as spiritual.

Spirituality is very common and popular with hipsters especially in Hollywood who believe religion is not cool, or at least their followers believe religion is not cool, but they’re not comfortable identifying themselves as Atheists, because they come from religious families or perhaps just don’t want to be known as an Atheist. In case it isn’t obvious, Hollywood is about perception and not reality. Style over substance, which is something that they have in common with politicians.

If someone tells me they’re an Atheist, I can respect that. I mean really, who can honestly actually say they’ve seen God before, let alone met the man. I mean, we don’t see any sightings of Jesus Christ, or Moses, or Allah, except maybe around Halloween.

Its the fundamentalist Atheists who I have a problem with who look down upon people who are religious simply because they’re religious. Or the faux Atheists who claim to be Atheists, but only critique Christianity especially fundamentalist Protestant Christianity because of hard-core stances that Evangelicals take on social issues and bigotry that they show against gays and other religions, women’s place in the world, but never critique other religions that have similar, if not identical stances on the same issues.

Or so-called Atheists who label people as bigots even when they accurately critique Muslims for their regressive views on the same social issues that Evangelicals are known for having. And of course I’m talking about how the so-called politically correct Far-Left went after Bill Maher a few years ago for his stances against Islam. Bill Maher is a real Atheist and doesn’t just call himself to sound cool with hipsters.

I’m an Agnostic myself simply because I don’t know if there is a God or not. As a Liberal I base all my political beliefs as well as non-political beliefs on reason, evidence, and facts. Instead of having faith in some so-called higher being who supposedly always has my best interest at heart. Even though I never met this supposed person. And I’m someone who tends to not have faith in things or people, unless there’s good reason and evidence to have faith. But just because you don’t know that there is a God, doesn’t mean you know there isn’t a God. Which is where I separate from Atheists.

A big problem with America especially with young people (I know I sound like a grandfather now) is faddism. This need to be seen following whatever the current trend is especially with whatever fad young cool people are following. If walking down the street or showing up to work wearing nothing but a t-shirt, underwear, and cowboy boots, became a regular thing with whoever the current hot celebrities are supposed to be, you would see thousands if not millions of young Americans doing the same thing. And we would probably see a spike in the unemployment rate as a result, at least with young adults, because those people would get fired right on the spot for completely breaking the company dress code. Spirituality along with Scientology, is a Hollywood hipster fad and when its no longer seen as cool is when it will disappear. But not a movement that I respect or even take seriously.


The Independent Institute: P.J. O’Rourke- The Outlook: How Things Look From Here

Source: The Independent Institute

Source: This piece was originally posted at The Daily Review

What Socialists don’t like about Libertarians and libertarianism, is that Libertarians have this inane idea (according to Socialists) that people should be allowed to make a good living and then be able to live off of those rewards. The fruits of their labor, to sound like a cheeseball.

What the Christian-Right and now Christian-Nationalists (who voted for Donald Trump) don’t like about Libertarians and libertarianism is that Libertarians have this crazy idea (according to the Christian-Right) that people have property rights and that extends to their homes and their bodies. And that people should be able to live their own lives as they see fit, short of hurting innocent people. Even if that offends the religious and moral values of the Christian-Right.

What I don’t like about the Libertarian-Right, well their a few things and I guess I could name them all. But they claim to be against big government and government interference and yet they tend to sound more like they’re anti-government all together. That they see America as some deserted island where there’s almost no evidence of life and all of these people show up all the sudden and over the years and create a new society short of having any government.

The so-called Anarcho-Libertarians, seem to believe that arresting suspects as part of a criminal investigation, is somehow a form of kidnapping. That if someone wrongs you its up to that person to get justice for themselves. Instead of relying on a law enforcement department to handle that for you. Because if we have public law enforcement and government, that would require taxes to fund those agencies. That putting convicted murderers, to use as an example who are actually guilty of murdering the people they were convicted for, that putting them in prison for their crimes, somehow violated the murderer’s rights. Someone who believes that comes from another planet and perhaps is just on Earth for a visit. Perhaps to see what the real world looks like.

Conservative-Libertarians like the Barry Goldwater’s from back in the day, Senator Rand Paul and a few others in Congress today, P.J. O’Rourke, those Libertarians I can respect, because they’re not Anarchists, but Libertarians. They want a government limited to only doing for the people what we can’t do for ourselves. And not messing around in other countries affairs. And also they sound like sane intelligent people who base their politics from this crazy word called reason. And not sounding like escaped mental patients, who’ve been on nothing but marijuana and alcohol, since they fled from the institution.

And I could also talk about how conspiratorial Libertarians tend to be and how they resemble the Socialist-Left in America and how dovish they are and blaming Lyndon Johnson for the JFK assassination. Libertarians are supposed to hate Socialists and socialism, and yet they sleep in the same bed at the same time with Socialists when arguing about all of these conspiracy theories. Like the JFK assassination, but arguing that 9/11 was an inside job and I could go on. Just look at Alex Jones website if you want more.

Or the antisemitism and even racism that Libertarians have expressed against non-Europeans in America and how now a faction of the Libertarian-Right is now part of the Alt-Right. The Stefan Molyneaux’s and others who claim to be Libertarians, but have argued that immigration is somehow a threat to the European-American culture. As well as some Libertarians arguing at least in the past and again something they have in common with the Socialist-Left in America and people like socialist author and writer Noam Chomsky, that America is largest terrorist state in the world and perhaps the only international terrorist organization in the world.

As a Liberal I’m all about (to use a cliche from the 2000s) getting and keeping big government out of my wallets and bedroom. The whole notion of being an adult (who is not currently incarcerated) is that you get to make your own personal and economic decisions, but then have to deal with the consequences of our actions. We don’t need a national, or even state, or local, religious leader or nanny statist, babysitting free adults.

So again, I respect the Rand Paul’s Jeff Flake’s, Ron Johnson’s, Justin Amash’s, and others in Congress. These are all Republicans by the way in the Senate and House. But the Alt-Right that is part of the Libertarian-Right and the anarcho wing of the Libertarian-Right, they can sound just as crazy as the Socialist-Left. Perhaps as if they did time with them in an institution. And when the crazies become the faces of your movement, your movement loses credibility and the ability to be taken seriously in American politics.

The Independent Institute: P.J. O’Rourke- The Outlook: How Things Look From Here

Saturday Night Live: Roy Moore & Jeff Sessions Cold Open

Source: SNL

Source:The Daily Review

Of course there are perhaps millions of reasons why Alabama is considered a backwards stuck in the 1850s, let alone 1950s state that perhaps only Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the other gulf states could be proud of.

Like people being selfish when it comes to their names and feeling the need to have two first names instead of just one. Jim or Bob, is not good enough for a lot of Alabamans so they combine the two and call themselves Jim Bob. Elizabeth or Susan, not good enough for a lot of women in Alabama, so they go by Betty Sue.

Fundamentalist religious beliefs that don’t come from anywhere in the Bible at least, but a lot of Alabamans put their faith and fundamentalism over annoying little things like facts, reason, and science.

Alabaman cousins falling in love with each other.

People going to the University of Alabama not because they believe its a great university, but because they want to play football in the NFL and be part of a great football program.

Low literacy rates, high poverty, lack of infrastructure and education. But what do you expect when you put your religious fundamentalism or what Roy Moore calls God’s Law, over education and facts.

But if there was just one reason and I just named five for why even Southern states like Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, look at Alabama as if it was an embarrassment and joke. Like that next door neighbor who mows his lawn naked, or has a Nazi flag hanging from their house who has Jewish and African-American neighbors. Its how Alabamans are seen at least when it comes to male and female relations. What men in Alabama seem to believe they can get away with or is completely acceptable when it comes to how they treat women and even girls.

A 14 year old girl, is obviously not a woman. Even in Alabama legal consent is 16, even though most of the rest of the country legal consent is 18. But, again we’re talking about Alabama. And if you’re not from the Bible Belt talking about Alabama can be like talking about Afghanistan. Some far away country that is very backwards, at least compared with the Western developed world.

In almost every other state in the Union except for perhaps Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina, West Virginia, and perhaps Texas, at least in the deep rural parts of that huge state, Roy Moore wouldn’t be considered a joke or an embarrassment. Perhaps that would be like complement compared with what he really is. He would be considered a disgrace. Women outside of the Bible Belt, wouldn’t have waited 35-40 years to speak out about what Roy Moore did to them when they were girls. Because they wouldn’t worry about the backlash that could have come from speaking out against this fundamentalist redneck who calls himself a Christian, and yet he has very anti-Christian beliefs. And is more of a religious theocrat with no real religion backing what he believes.

About a month from now we’re going to see if Alabama is ready to join the 21st Century. Because they missed out on a lot of the 20th Century, at least the positive aspects of it and reject this neanderthal who calls himself a Christian and say that Alabama also believes that pedophilia, child molestation, and sexual harassment, are wrong. And they don’t want anyone like Roy Moore representing then anywhere in Congress, especially in the Senate, but the House as well. And hopefully they’ll overwhelmingly reject him. Even if that means having a Democrat who doesn’t have the sexual baggage as their next U.S. Senator.

Saturday Night Live: Roy Moore & Jeff Sessions Cold Open

The Washington Post: Todd Townsend & Carol Cordon Bleu- ‘What if Hillary Clinton Had Won?: Department of Satire’

The Washington Post
Source:The Washington Post– Todd Townsend & Carol C. Bleu.

Source:The Daily Review

“One year after the election, the Washington Post’s Department of Satire imagines what the world would be like if Hillary Clinton had become president – and Donald Trump had lost.”

From The Washington Post

Imagine a President Hillary Clinton if you can just for a minute and especially considering the current President of the United States., that shouldn’t be too scary.

Millions of men who are on the Alt-Right and the Nationalist -Right in America, would be protesting daily about what they see as a radical feminist Communist in the White House, who seeks to eliminate all forms of masculinity and manhood. And transform all the wealth from Caucasian-Americans, to all racial and ethnic minorities in the country.

Fox News with a daily as well as 24 hours not so special coverage about what they call the criminal in the White House and her attempts to destroy what they call their traditional America.

Had Hillary Clinton won the presidency, Republicans would probably still control the House, but there’a a reasonable chance that Democrats could have won back the Senate, because there would’ve been a higher Democratic turnout in states like Pennsylvania and Florida. And perhaps Democrats would have won the Senate even if there was a 50-50 split. And we would see House Republicans launching new investigations in to the lives of the Bill and Hillary Clinton. Making the Ken Starr investigation from the 1990s look like not just a fishing expedition, but fishing festival. Wait, the Ken Starr investigation was a fishing expedition.

Perhaps the Christian-Right leaves America and goes to Saudi Arabia or Iran, where its still okay and acceptable to treat girls and women like property. Since they’ll no longer be able to do that with a Clinton Administration in America. Judge Roy Moore would be one of the first so-called Christian-Conservatives packing his bags and out on the first flight to Riyadh or Tehran.

We’ll never know this for sure, but we do know that you still have a large Donald Trump base in the Republican Party who views President Trump as their cult leader. And won’t criticize anything that Trump does including not paying his taxes, because Donald Trump is their cult leader. And if he does something it must be okay to them because he did it. And no godlike cult leader can ever be wrong according to them. But without a Donald Trump, these Republicans would return back to Planet Earth at least even if its just for a visit, to stop at all costs Hillary Clinton from doing her job as President of the United States had she won in 2016 and try to prevent her from finishing her first term.

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Economic Development

Source: Last Week Tonight

Source:The Daily Review

I get that John Oliver don’t like corporate welfare and neither do I and perhaps views any tax incentives as private business and individuals steeling government’s money. (As Socialists would argue) As if government has any of their own money. The old phrase that money doesn’t grow on trees is particularly app when talking about government. Even when government prints money (which is government creating money out of thin air) they need to actually print the bills with a printing machine. Instead of planting paper in the ground and hoping it eventually grows on trees.

If this is about pork barrel spending, then I agree with Oliver on that as well. Tax dollars that are purely designed for politicians to be able to pay off their political debts to their contributors and creates no economic benefit for the constituents that they represent. Which is nothing more than a form of legal bribery in America whether its done from Congress, or at the state and local levels.

The reason why people stay in Congress for so so long, well their several reasons. They represent people who don’t have enough time to research incumbents and candidates, because they’re too busy staring at their i-phones and watching reality TV. Which of course is really important in life, not like trying to figure out where their hard-earned tax dollars go whether its for pork or for anything else.

But also people stay in Congress both in the House and Senate for so long because they get fat from pork. And are too fat to move out of Capitol Hill and actually get a real job. And as long as voters don’t do their homework on people that are supposed to represent them and people who want to replace their porky Representative’s and Senator’s, we’re going to see tax funded scandals like this. Money to companies that only get tax funded subsidies because they knew who in government to call and to payoff.

That fact is if you want jobs and you want Welfare even and a broader welfare state all together, which is the pot fantasy of a lifetime for Socialists in America, you need what John Oliver was talking about the beginning of his rant which are jobs. You want businesses investing in your communities and they need incentive to locate there. They need a workforce that is actually qualified to do the jobs that will be there. I know, that sounds crazy having people qualified for the jobs that they’re supposed to do.

But you also need regulations that are easy to understand and actually make sense, are actually needed, and don’t make doing business in your community too expensive. I know, more commonsense, I guess I’m just old fashioned that way. Otherwise we won’t have a society where everyone is on Welfare and that socialist dream will never come because again money doesn’t grow on trees, not even government money. (Sorry Bernie Sanders supporters) But instead a society where everyone is homeless or looking for an affordable place to live because no one has a job. Because taxes are too high and regulations are so strict that government is practically running what are supposed to be private businesses.

HBO: Last Week Tonight With John Oliver- Economic Development

The American Spectator: Jeffrey Lord: ‘My Real Time With Bill Maher’

Source: The American Spectator

Source:The Daily Review

I don’t know what Donald Trump is paying Jeffrey Lord and even if he was paying Lord, he actually wouldn’t be paying him and instead of raise the money from other people and use that to pay Lord or just ask one of bis friends to pay Lord, but whatever President Trump might be paying Mr. Lord is simply not enough. Lord who has go more than way out of his way to defend Trump. Going out of his way to defend Trump is a huge understatement. It would be like saying America had a civil war because the South didn’t want a bearded President. Not just false but doesn’t make any sense.

Jeff Lord has risked his personal and perhaps professional reputation to defend a man who has made a career of screwing people for his own benefit. Who apparently can’t be left alone with women who don’t him well because of what he might do to them. A man in Donald Trump who pre-2010 was a Democrat and a Liberal Democrat at that. A man who is a proud New Yorker and didn’t consider himself very religious at all until he became the leader of the Birther Nationalist Tea Party movement in 2011, is now the darling of the Tea Party Nationalists in America.

Tea Party Nationalists can’t believe anything that is negative that is reported about their cult leader (Donald Trump) even if its reported by the conservative Wall Street Journal or even propaganda agency of the Trump Administration. (Better known as Fox News) Who can’t believe Barack Obama is not only an American citizen, but actually born in America, even though he has a Hawaii birth certificate. 9/’11 was an inside job, the Russian investigation is a hoax even though every single U.S. national security and intelligence agency believes that Russia interfered into our elections in 2016. Including every single national security and intelligence official that President Trump appointed himself.

In other words, the Trump movement or Tea Party Nationalists, (as I prefer to call them) or how about the Trumpian Cult or the Cult of Trump, can’t believe or won’t acknowledge (at leas in public) facts that are right front of their own eyes or ears, if it is negative about Donald Trump. And this is the man that Jeff Lord who once worked in the Reagan White House as a speechwriter and pre-2016 or so had a great reputation as an intelligent, honest, very friendly man and part of the Center-Right in the Republican Party, now represents and speaks for. Who worked for CNN as a political analyst even though several CNN anchors had a hard time with him because they weren’t sure if Lord actually believed what he was saying with some of his defenses for Donald Trump.

Jeff Lord has gone from being a Bill Buckley or Bill Kristol of right-wing political analysts. Someone who is respected on both sides and by most people in the country who follow politics and current affairs, because they’re honest, intelligent, make their arguments based on this old fashion word called facts. And don’t defend people just because they’re on their side of the isle, to being an Alex Jones/Pat Robertson type conspiracy theorist. Who blame 9/11 on homosexuality, or blame lesbianism for feminism. “Russia didn’t interfere into our elections! It was China because they wanted radical feminist Hillary Clinton to be President. Or it was an inside job inside the Democratic Party.”

And my only question is for what. Why would an intelligent man risk his reputation as a serious political analyst to do that. He doesn’t even work for Donald Trump officially and has been part of the Trump Organization in any capacity.

Source: HBO: Real Time With Bill Maher- Interview With Jeffrey Lord